Greens call for cross-party support on electoral reform

The Green Party is welcoming the draft report of the Independent Electoral Review and challenging all political parties to commit to implementing its final recommendations after the 2023 general election.

“This report is big news and gives Aotearoa a blueprint to create a more transparent, fairer democracy, that also better upholds te Tiriti o Waitangi,” Green Party electoral reform spokesperson Golriz Ghahraman said.

“With cross party support we can take party politics out of electoral reform and do what’s best for Aotearoa as a whole. Many of the latest independent recommendations have been made before, and have been proposed to Parliament through my Strengthening Democracy members bill. It’s time to stop reviewing and take action. 

“To everyone campaigning to #MakeIt16, it is clear that your voices are essential to our democracy and we will keep working to uphold your right to vote. To New Zealanders overseas, we know you have a right to be part of your democracy back home.

“Over the last three years, we have achieved some major changes that will strengthen our democracy - such as enabling Māori to switch rolls at any time, extending overseas voting rights, allowing most prisoners the right to vote, and massively limiting anonymous political donations. But much more is needed to secure our democracy.

“While we can be proud of democracy in Aotearoa compared to many other countries, successive governments have not done enough to curb the influence of big money interests who try to stop climate action, rent controls, and fair tax reform. 

“2023 should be the last general election held under electoral rules that are so clearly outdated, benefiting status quo interests over the wellbeing of our people and planet. 

“The Greens look forward to pushing for further electoral reform in time for the next general election,” says Golriz Ghahraman.

Latest Electoral Reform Announcements


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Greens call on every party to improve accessibility

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Time to extend the voting age

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Green Party solution better for Māori voters, not deal with National

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Latest Democracy and Electoral Reform Announcements


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More still to do to get big money out of politics

The Green Party is today welcoming proposals to regulate lobbying but is calling on the Government to do more to get big money out of politics.
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Greens call on every party to improve accessibility

The Green Party is calling on all political parties to commit to stronger representation for disabled people at every level of politics. 
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Time to extend the voting age

The Green Party is calling on the Government to take immediate action to lower the voting age to 16.
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Green Party solution better for Māori voters, not deal with National

An agreement between Labour and National misses an historic opportunity to make our democracy more accessible for Māori voters.
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Time for the Electoral Commission to run local elections

Recent media coverage of the challenges facing local body elections, including people not receiving their voting papers and being told incorrectly ...
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